Deep Space 69 is a web animation produced by Mondo Media revolving around Jay, a Lovable Sex Maniac pilot and his sidekick, a talking koala named Hamilton, as the two have various raunchy misadventures in space. A send-up to the many humorless sci-fi films and series that take themselves far too seriously, Deep Space 69 treads lightly on space exploration and instead focuses on Jay’s incessant exploits with the fairer sex and Hamilton’s frustration with their foolish missions. 'Deep Space 69: Unrated and Fully Unfurled' chronicles the misadventures of a transport ship in outer space led by Jay and his co-captain Hamilton. 'This show is like Star Trek, if Star Trek were about boning.' A wise YouTube commenter on the first episode. 2013 Femalien Fatale 8.1 (8) Rate Jay figures 2-out-of-3 ain't bad when he's hired to transport a '10' who's a o but is violently insane. 2013 Sirens of Tetons 8.4 (7) Rate Jay changes yet remains the same.
As a result, Hamilton often comes across as insecure and naggy, and.
Unlike Jay, Hamilton seems to take his job far more seriously, often fretting over the ship's resources and the success of the team's missions. In many ways, Hamilton appears to be Jay's complete opposite. Deep Space 69 is an animated sci-fi sex comedy starring Jay, the horniest alpha man in the universe and his last-of-his-species space koala side kick, Hamilton.
Deep Space 69 chronicles the misadventures of a transport ship in outer space led by Jay and his Koala, wingman/co-pilot, Hamilton. Deep Space 69 (2012 ) Episode List Season: OR Year: 2013 S1, Ep8 13 Jan. He is one of the protagonists of the series Deep Space 69 by Mondo Mini Shows.